Fake emails to users offering them a chance to win. Free purchases from 500 euros In a supermarket Liddle. This is the structure of the new. deception which circulates Online which leverages the German retailer’s logo and brand to convince unlucky people that they’ve been selected to take part in a competition with plenty of shopping vouchers up for grabs. Users are invited to click on a The link Scams that lead to a fake portal requesting sensitive data to enter a contest. It’s all a scam, cybercriminals are using this technique to target many Lidl customers across Europe. Italy Included
A new scandal against Lidl
Liddlewhich has more than 700 sales points in Italy, has warned its customers. New online scam Which interests you, invites its users not to believe messages containing unrealistic and overly beneficial offers.
There are a few things you need to look out for to spot a scam. Details. First, scammers send a message via email that promises to “Free purchase of 500 euros”, with text – translated into Italian – encouraging you to click a. The link To “try your luck”. People’s ever-decreasing purchasing power, combined with the attention that many companies place on offers, leaves the rest to scam targets who click on links and allow criminals to reach their targets. .
And then, evenSender’s Address This can be a clear indication that the message is actually a fraudulent attempt. It, in fact, often contains anomalies such as @lidl-italia.qualquecosa Instead of the supermarket chain’s official domain which is @lidl.it.
Next is another scam warning sign, namely the text of the message. This, though translated into Italian, usually renders a A broken tongue It features many turns of phrase that are hardly the work of a professional marketing team.
Liddle’s copy
Liddle After finding himself exposed to the scandal that exploits his name without any rights, he has spread a series of messages on his official website and social networks. Warnings To our customers in an effort to limit the negative impact of criminal activity.
The company, in more detail, states that it has never used phone calls or emails to make suggestions. The offer Uncommon to its customers, this is why customers should not respond to any solicitations suggested by those pretending to be supermarket chains. So no competition allows you to win. 500 euros of expenses By simply clicking on a link, as in no other case the Company declares that it uses such methods for its offers.
Lidl target of several scams
Lidl, unfortunately, is no stranger to attempts to defraud its customers on a large scale. Recently, in Europe and Italy, another email scam attempted to trick users into a Food processor Monsieur Cuisine Connect is sold out. 1,95 euros. Also in this case the aim was to encourage unlucky people to click on the link to take advantage of the fake lucrative offer.