Barely a day after the spectacular starship demonstration flight, SpaceXSpaceX Successfully initiated investigation Europa ClipperEuropa Clipper Of NASANASAtowards Europe, one of the four Galilean satellites JupiterJupiter. This mission, the scientific challenges we recently discussed with Athena Kostens, a researcher at the Laboratory for Space Studies and Instrumentation. AstrophysicsAstrophysics (Lecia – Paris Observatory) and member of the teams juiceJuice And Europa Clipper aims to determine whether the subsurface ocean LuneLune Europe is likely to support life.
Strictly speaking, these probes do not attempt to detect signs of life, whether extinct or active. Only a level mission can accomplish this quest, as Athena Kostens explains in her interview. However, this is not technically possible at the moment.
On the way to explore the Jovian system
For this launch, SpaceX used a Falcon HeavyFalcon HeavyThe main floor of which consists of three first floors. Falcon 9Falcon 9. AD LauncherLauncher It was necessary to deliver the most powerful probe, which weighed 5.7 tons.EnergyEnergy It is necessary to travel to Jupiter in only six years. Because of this power requirement, both BoosterBooster Sides, which are normally exported, were not exported for this flight. This means that everyone consumed all the fuel they were carrying, leaving no reserves to return to Earth.
At the end of a six-year journey, during which the investigation will benefit two. Gravity helpsGravity helps – one near Mars in March 2025 and another near Earth in December 2026 – will reach the system young manyoung man In April 2030ESAESAwhich, although launched by Ariane 5 in April 2023, will not join the Jovian system until July 2031. These two investigations are complementary in their aim to explore the housing conditions of their respective targets: GanymedeGanymede For Jose and Europa Clipper for Europe. But while they share the same basic goal, they focus on very different types of potential habitats.