Important news for public sector job seekers thanks to New Others of competition thatRevenue Agency Will post for recruitment. 340 New profiles from official. The job opportunities do not end here, given that, once again with public competition, the sector is hiring a large number of workers. management And of Resources humanity.
Competition of 340 revenue agency officials
Il Competition In the greatest moment ofRevenue agencies It’s about employment 340 officials which will be used for various activities. Notices will be published soon, while for the moment it is known that the search for their services includes:
- 150 units be assigned to the activities of Complementary collaboration (Cooperative Compliance) and International Taxation
- 60 technical personnel for technical services and logistics processes;
- 6 technical personnel For heritage and real estate market database analysis process – Real Estate Market Observatory.
All information regarding the programs and timings of this maxi contest can be found in the dedicated section of the Revenue Agency website.
Looking for personnel in the field of administration
As mentioned, the competition for 340 personnel is not the only one.Revenue Agency Who actually wants to hire different people with a public competition. Administrative authorities. In more detail:
- 49 New services will be assigned to public tenders and contracts, corruption prevention and data protection management processes.
- 8 New hires will be responsible for monitoring and analyzing the results of the procurement programming and planning cycle.
- 67 The new services will cover accounting, budgeting, planning and management control and auditing processes.
Research in the field of human resources
Compared toRevenue Agency They also increase their interest in the field of Human resources. In this case, there is, in fact, a call for recruitment 20 Manager The second tier will be reserved for offices responsible for human and material resource management.
A bachelor’s degree or an equivalent qualification in law or specialist or master’s degree obtained according to the old study system (prior to Ministerial Decree No. 509/1999) is required. In this case Requirements Aspirants are required. They should be permanent public administration employees with at least five years of service or possess a research doctorate or specialization diploma obtained from specialization schools identified with the decree of the Prime Minister. Another possibility is that they have at least three years of service in functional positions that require a research doctorate or degree to access.
Other active competition of the Revenue Agency
There are others. Competitions active ofRevenue Agency Banned during 2024. There are three to be exact, namely the ones to hire:
- Permanent by 80 personnel, increased 148for the selection, evaluation, training and development of human resources;
- Of 50 officials for The family Professional ICT. 25 for Data Analyst and 25 ICT responsible for infrastructure and IT security.
- Of 27 units shall be assigned to the offices of the agency located in Aosta Valley Both in the assistants area, 5, and in the personnel area.