Despite scientific advances in weather and climate, the onset of the El Niño phenomenon, and its origins, remain a mystery. Trying to learn more about this cycle and its consequences, researchers have discovered that it spans the ages, and that nothing has been able to stop it so far: neither a different climate, nor Movement of continents.
the childthe child There is a seasonal phase that is part of the Enso phenomenon that occurs in cycles. The last El Nino that Earth experienced lasted from June 2023 to June 2024 and was quite strong. But it had important effects. Weather reportWeather report Many countries and participated in summits The heatThe heat The global warming that occurred in 2023 increased global warming.
El Niño negates all climate variability.
El Nino is characterized by higher than average temperatures in a specific region, the equatorial Pacific Ocean. By matching the simulations with past climate data, Duke University researchers were able to go back in time: they discovered that the El Niño phenomenon began 250 million years ago (or even earlier). was already there and it was often stronger. Compared to what exists today.
A very surprising result is finding that the climate was different several million years ago, with significant periods of variability: the climate was already warmer, but also much cooler. Solar radiation also varied, as did CO concentrations.2 In the atmosphere, the configuration of the continents was also different, which necessarily affected the distribution of heat in the water. El Nino occurs in South American waters. But 250 million years ago, the continent wasn’t quite the same: South America was in the middle of a continent, Pangea. Enso Dolan (El Niño and The girlThe girlSo it happened in the sea PanthalasaPanthalasa.
The origin of El Niño is still unknown.
But what is the use of knowing how long El Nino has been affecting the weather on our planet? Understand what is driving this dynamic and its magnitude with dire consequences for many countries. Even if El Nino can be predicted more than six months in advance, the causes of its onset are still mysterious, as are its origins. The MeteorologistsMeteorologists The change in orientation has been known for a long time VentVent Causes warming (El Nino) or cooling (La Nina) of water. But scientists don’t understand why a planet “decides” to activate one phase instead of another, for how long and with what intensity. So they hope to learn more by exploring the distant origins of the El Niño phenomenon.