with the Maneuver. 2025 A new procedure is adopted which makes More pay checks of employees up to 40 ml Thanks to the expansion of the effects of Wedge cutting Contributions that have so far been provided for those earning up to 35 thousand euros. The class of workers who would be able to take advantage of the advantages of wedge cutting is therefore expanding, with estimates 1.3 million More employees than those already affected by the move (13 million). The Minister of Economy highlighted the importance of the intervention implemented by the government. Giancarlo Giorgetti who added during a ceremony held in Geneva for two years of the Maloney Executive that it is desired that these initiatives can be structured.
2025 budget and tax wedge, how paychecks grow
Intervention on Tax Wedge I was admitted by the government of Georgia Maloney. Strategy 2025 This, as mentioned, allows for an expansion of the number of beneficiaries who will therefore be able to count on the increase on their own. Pay slip. This, as already happens for those with an income of up to 35 thousand euros, is equal. 100 euros.
In addition to endorsing and extending the tax wage cut, the executive has foreseen the consolidation of the tax cut in the text of the budget law. Irpef rates4 to 3, the move primarily benefits those with lower middle incomes.
Additional distribution effects
“Last year – Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti said during the ceremony in Geneva – we introduced decontribution For 13 million workers with an income of up to 35 thousand euros, this year it will take another form, we can call it a tax break, we not only confirm it, but we extend it to another 1 million 30 thousand workers. Increase to 40. A thousand euros”.
“Not only that – she added – working women and mothers with two children and more will get support and tax relief until each child turns ten. Then we with children will introduce a series of measures to protect families.”
Assistance relief for income up to 20 thousand euros
The 2025 budget confirms this, at least in the initial text. Relief Aid For those with incomes below 20 thousand euros. In these cases, in effect, the worker receives a non-taxable bonus which is commensurate with his actual income. More specifically, this bonus is equal to:
- al 7.1% For income up to 8,500 euros;
- al 5.3% for income between 8,500 and 15,000 euros;
- al 4.8% For income between 15,000 and 20 thousand euros.
Above the 20 thousand euro income threshold, however, a procedure is envisaged to apply Additional deductions which will be recognized directly on the payslip. This amount is 1,000 euros for incomes between 20,000 and 32,000 euros, with a reduction of up to 40,000 euros.
Other measures at work
The text of the budget law also includes other measures for employment, such as confirming maximum deductions from labor costs for those New employees With a permanent employment contract. And again, growth is expected benefitt For new employees who decide to accept employment at least 100 km away from their residence. In this case, by Giorgetti’s own admission, the tax bonus will be up to 5 thousand euros.