In Europe, 84 percent SpeciesSpecies Plants depend directly on pollinating insects for reproduction. These plants are essential for us. EcosystemEcosystem And our food, today, is threatened by the dangerous shortage of these insects. If this trend continues, plant diversity could be severely affected, with implications throughout the food chain.
Who are these pollinators?
Pollinators cover a wide range.WormsWormsPrimarily bees, but also some species of butterflies, bees and BeetleBeetle. By foraging from flower to flower in search of nectar, they transport it. pollenpollenallows fertilization of plants. This important role in plant growth not only ensures the survival of the species but also ensures the production of fruits and vegetables.
What threatens pollinators?
[Journée mondiale des abeilles ????] Bees, which represent 90 percent of pollinators, play an important role in maintaining biodiversity. Faced with their decline in recent years, steps have been taken to mitigate their causes…
— IGN France (@IGNFrance) May 20, 2024
The decline of pollinators is caused by several factors. Widespread use of PesticidesPesticides Loss of natural habitats due to intensive agriculture, urbanization and monoculture and Climate changeClimate change which disrupts the life cycle of pollinators. Thus, in 27 years, more than 75 percent BiomassBiomass According to a 2017 study, the total number of flying insects in protected areas in Europe has disappeared.
These combined threats are leading to rapid declines in their populations, threatening the survival of the plants that depend on them. The decline of pollinators is a wake-up call for European biodiversity. Protecting these insects also means securing the future of 84% of our plants and, by extension, the sustainability of our ecosystems and our food.