Carl SaganCarl Sagan Born on 9 November 1934. His life ended on December 20, 1996. PneumoniaPneumonia While he was inside ForgivenessForgiveness of a The syndromeThe syndrome myelodysplastic. AstronomerAstronomer Perhaps the most famous in the world (Hubert Reeves is sometimes called the French Sagan), his popularity was due to the legendary series of 13 shows: Cosmos.
Carl Sagan’s Tribute to the Spirit, which we hear spoken, is a perfect introduction to remembering him. To get a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Then the English subtitles should appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Auto-Translate”. Select “French”. © Eric Vernquist
The great love of his life, Ann Drian, co-wrote the series CosmosCosmos Broadcast and rebroadcast in at least 60 countries since 1980. Along with the accompanying book, it represented for many the key to understanding the beauty and magic of the scientific, philosophical, and human adventures that comprise astronomy, cosmology, biology, and astronomy, and science itself in general. . The success of the series is certainly due in part to the music that accompanies it, composed by the late Vangelis. We also cannot forget Jon Lomberg’s illustrations in the published work.
First episode of the series Cosmos. © Frances Drapier
A world with demons.
Carl Sagan was worried. Global WarmingGlobal Warming and global nuclear conflict, but he also expressed concern about the rise of pseudoscience and irrationality and the dangers it posed to humanity and America. So he wrote a book published in 1995, which was soon republished, under the title To prevent and fight against these threats. Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark », sadly and curiously never translated into French, would have given the title. The world has persecuted. The demonsThe demons : Science is like a candle in the dark.
Unfortunately there are several passages of prophecy, two of which are well known. First is this:
” I have a vision of what America will be like in my children’s or my grandchildren’s time, when the United States will be a service and information economy, when almost all manufacturing industries will disappear around other countries, when great technological There will be powers. In the hands of very few people and no one will be able to understand the problems as a representative of the public interest, when citizens have lost the ability to set their own agendas or be able to question them deliberately. Will have options. The United States has become a world economic power… when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties are degenerate, unable to discern what looks good and what is true. As it happens, we slip up, almost without realizing it. Superstition and cover up…
America’s stupidity is most prevalent in hyper-influential media, 30-second sound bites (now reduced to 10 seconds or less), lowest-common-denominator programs, misrepresentations of pseudoscience and superstition. It is clear. A celebration of all forms of ignorance. »
A video explaining Carl Sagan’s previous text. To get a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Then the English subtitles should appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Auto-Translate”. Select “French”. © Dong Theory
The second is a more serious caveat:
” One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we have been deceived long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of that deception. We are no longer interested in finding the truth. We have been deceived. It is painful to admit, even to ourselves, that we have been deceived. Once you give power to an emperor, you almost never get it back. »
” Our loyalty is to the species and the planet. We speak from the earth. Our responsibility to survive is not only to ourselves but also to the ancient and vast universe from which we come. » This was one of Carl Sagan’s philosophical messages. To get a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Then the English subtitles should appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Automatic translation”. Select “French”. © Inspiration Journey
Pioneer of Exobiology
Carl Sagan was one of the epitome of the search for the cosmic origin of life and specifically sought to connect with the One. IntelligenceIntelligence extraterrestrial for which he founded the Seti Institute.
A pioneer in exobiology, he was heavily involved in the SETI program and pioneered the Pioneer, Voyager and VikingViking. With Frank DrakeDrakeHe was the originator of such a famous messageArciboArciboplates from the Pioneer 10 and 11 probes, and finally no less famous. Golden Record The investigation Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977.
gave Golden record One of the discs contained sounds and images chosen to paint a picture of the diversity of life and culture on Earth, aimed at possible extraterrestrials.
Indeed, given the vastness of the distances between the stars, these “interstellar bottles in the sea” are above all a symbolic way of symbolizing the human mind’s desire to communicate with other intelligences that may exist in the galaxy. are, and so are series CosmosIn order to gain public support for research exobiologyexobiology.
Carl Sagan’s discoveries in the planets.
Carl Sagan was one of the founders. Planetary Society, of which he was the first president. Its purpose was, and still is, to enable ordinary people to play a role in space exploration. Planetary Society Helps develop advanced technology, such as spaceships. Solar shipSolar ship. It funds astronomers for detection. AsteroidAsteroid Dangerous and exoplanetsexoplanets And of course, optical and radio searches for signs of extraterrestrial life. Ultimately, she seeks to influence decision makers to ensure the future of space exploration.
In his particularly scientific contributions, he was one of the first to realize this. VenusVenus It was very hot, too much for later cloud cover, an indirect sign of a greener planet ClimateClimate Primarily tropical, as some envisioned it in the 1950s, the idea that Titan’s surface might be covered by oceans.HydrocarbonsHydrocarbons And that of Europe, one of the satellites JupiterJupitermay possess an ocean of water. liquidliquid Under this Snow flueSnow flue.
He can be credited with understanding climate change in the 1960s. ColorColor The surface of Mars was most likely not due to vegetation, as many of his fellow planetologists believed at the time, but StormStorm With the dust giant AstronomerAstronomer Nuclear Edwin Salpeter, he speculated on the possible forms of life on other worlds.EnvironmentEnvironment Jupiter
We are indebted to the indirect discovery of its solution. EqualityEquality Of General relativityGeneral relativity Describing traversable wormholes and theoretically allowing interstellar travel. This is actually after a request for information on the subject of wormholes for his novel. Get in touch.since brought to the screen, that Cape Thorne began his famous career in the 1980s.
Sagan was an ardent propagator of scientific skepticism and a killer of pseudosciences such as parapsychology. Although convinced of the existence of extraterrestrial life and intelligence, and somewhat interested in the UFO phenomenon, he never considered that there was any evidence of a visit from E.TT. on our planet.
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.“
On this subject he said: In the vastness of the universe, there must be other civilizations, much older and more advanced than ours. So shouldn’t we have visited? Aren’t there always strange planes in the skies of the earth? Nothing is impossible there, and no one would be happier than I if we were visited. But did it really happen? What matters is not what seems plausible, not what we would like to believe, not what one or two witnesses claim, but only what is supported by the evidence. solidsolidexamined with rigor and skepticism. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. »(Cosmos-Episode 12: Encyclopedia Galactica)
Legendary music by Vangelis with images from the series Cosmos. © YouTube, SME (on behalf of Sony BMG Music UK); EMI Music Publishing and 16 music rights management companies