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HomeMilan, Escape from permanent employment: The pay problem and more

Milan, Escape from permanent employment: The pay problem and more

Il Permanent position You don’t leave, a mantra passed down from generation to generation, as Chico Zelon recalled in one of his most famous films. Instead it seems that The wind is changing. The flagship city of this change is Milan, which has seen a real escape from public administration. The reasons highlight one. Structural problem Of the capital of Lombardy, but not only.

Escape from permanent employment

INPS data processed by Fp Cgil do not lie: they exist. 32 thousand employees A particularly heavy burden for health services and local authorities. A problem that is getting worse with increasingly fast time. For this reason we can reasonably speak of escape.

in the bus 18 monthsbetween January 2023 and June 2024, actually, yes More than 6 thousand employees resigned. Public Although it is the equivalent of a work destination in Italy, Milan is no longer able to guarantee an attractive environment in terms of public administration. A fact that also includes its 132 neighboring municipalities.

Specifically There are two reasonsAs indicated by Alberto Motta, General Secretary of FP Cgil Milan. On the one hand we have Poor definition of work On the other hand, and this seems to be a key factor, there is a general dissatisfaction with the matter. Economic conditions. Do civil servants in Milan get paid? Yes, but only in relation to the exorbitant and exorbitant cost of living in the city.

From this perspective, it is clear how the hypothesis to succeed Attract new talent It’s a mirage. At least in relation to the current large gap. A large-scale generational change will be required, albeit under different conditions.

Pay Slips of Government Servants

When we talk about the disappearance of more than 32 thousand government employees at the hands of the administration, we are referring to one. 15.1 percent decrease. Using percentages may help better understand the extent of the trend recorded in 2022 and 2023:

  • Health service: -14.7%;
  • Local authorities: -15.9%;
  • Ministries and Judiciary: -9.3%;
  • Armed forces, firefighters and police: -8.3%.

The union has (also) highlighted an obvious problem. Pay slips. This leads to a necessary analysis. on average, Daily salary Corresponds to 2023. 125 euros. A jump of 8.6 percent compared to 2021, when the figure was around 121 euros. This is sufficient to maintain the increase in cost of living Intolerable?

The union calls the increase “weak” and offers a clear answer to the dilemma. It is claimed that the effect of inflation has not gone away. The result was a “decline in purchasing power”.

Cost of living in Milan

Fp Cgil explains how inflation affects “A significant reduction in salaries“At the same time, especially in relation to the categories that fall into Collective bargaininga reduction in real wages is planned, to “impede the renewal of contracts, as requested by the trade unions”.

Specifically, a comparison between different types of employees follows. During the decade, the average increase was:

  • 25% for civil servants with income defined by law;
  • 13% for government employees who are definite income from contract.

In this climate, it doesn’t help either The Milan case Definitely unusual (in a negative way). Abnormal rise in housing prices further reduces purchasing power. Just want to highlight one of the main themes.

The statistical office of the municipality of Lombardy confirmed last January how life went 20 percent increase In just 8 years. Additionally, over this period of time, properties have value. A 30 percent increase.



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