Friday, December 6, 2024
HomeIn the thirteenth way, but watch out for the tax authorities

In the thirteenth way, but watch out for the tax authorities

Over the next few days Thirteenth This will reach 35.7 million eligible Italians; Pensioners will be the first from Monday, with the money deposited directly into current accounts or cash available at post offices, followed by government and private sector employees. Overall, the CGIA Research Office estimates, this year’s thirteenth will reach i. 44.8 billion euros.

But apart from pensioners, workers and employees, the tax authorities will also benefit from this additional monthly payment, estimated income. 14.5 billion euros Irpef’s revenues will provide a total of 59.3 billion euros before tax to INPS, public administration and private companies.

Most Beneficiary Provinces

Geographically, the province with the highest number of beneficiaries of the thirteenth month’s salary is Rome, with 2.71 million people, including employees and pensioners. This is followed by Milan with 2.47 million recipients, Turin with 1.4 million and Naples with 1.39 million beneficiaries.

  • Roma: 2.714.144
  • Milan: 2.474.870
  • Torino: 1.405.696
  • Napoli: 1.394.474
  • Brescia: 783.402
  • Bologna: 722.437
  • turn: 701.901
  • Bergamo: 694.629
  • Firenze: 691.230
  • Padua: 604.949

The provinces with the lowest number of beneficiaries, due to their small demographic size, are Vibo Valentia, with about 73,500 beneficiaries, Enna with over 71,000 people and Isernia with 43,500 beneficiaries.

Compared to 2023, the net amount of thirteenth payments to be paid in the coming weeks will increase by 4.1 billion euros. The reasons for this increase are varied. first, The number of employees has increased 221 thousand units while pensioners increased by about 99 thousand. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the overall wage bill also increased compared to the previous year, mainly thanks to the renewal of some employment contracts. Of the 35.7 million Italians who will receive a thirteenth, There are 16.2 million pensioners. e 19.5 million are working.

Not just Thirteenth: Fourteenth and Christmas bonuses are also coming.

For employees, thirteenth month pay is required by law in all National Collective Labor Agreements (CCNL). Additionally, between 7.5 and 8 million employees in the private sector also benefit, according to the CGIA Research Office. Fourteenth month salary, which is paid in July. Major national agreements that provide for this additional monthly payment include the agriculture, food, road transport, trade/tourism and sanitation/multi-services sectors.

Even pensioners can receive fourteenth, but Only if they are 64 years or above. and meets certain conditions, including total income which, in 2024, must not exceed twice the minimum pension amount.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has predicted that 4.6 million employees, in addition to their thirteenth month’s pay, will also receive a Christmas bonus of 100 euros net in the coming weeks. Introduced this year by the Maloney government, the bonus is aimed at middle-income workers, but only for those who earn up to 28,000 euros a year and have at least one dependent child. It is important that the total income is not less than the gross tax, that is, the tax on the employee’s income is greater than the deductions due.

Additionally, in December, along with the thirteenth, some pensioners will receive one. Christmas bonus of 154.94 euros. This contribution, intended for elderly people whose pensions do not exceed the minimum amount, will affect about 400,000 people. INPS will automatically distribute the bonus, without the need to submit an application.



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