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HomeSpecial apologies, there are still a few days left to pay the...

Special apologies, there are still a few days left to pay the final installment.

Last date for payment of last installment of Special repentance from Financial ceasefire 2023 December 20, 2024 is However, those who have not complied with this measure are likely to have access to a different type of amnesty, adhering to the amnesty until December 12, 2024. Agree on a two-year budget.

But let’s go into a little detail and try to understand how this detail works. Special repentance.

Tax truce 2023, what was involved?

Article 1, paragraphs 174-178, Law no. 197/2022 – ie Budget Law 2023 – was introduced by him as part of the 2023 fiscal truce. Special repentance. This entity allows you to automatically regularize any violations related to annual declarations until December 31, 2021. Legislative Decree 215/2023The initiative has been extended till the tax period of 2022 for those taxpayers who have followed the said special amendment are likely to benefit from it. Maximum reduction of restrictionswhich is equal to 1/18 of the legal minimum.

To join the special penance, taxpayers had to regularize their position by paying. Amount due With payment in one installment or in installments. The legislator, in fact, created a series of withdrawal plans, which applicants have to choose when they access the initiative:

  • Special rectification of violations related to 2021 and previous yearsFormer Article 1, paragraphs 174-178 of Law 197/2022: Payment can be made in eight equal quarterly installments. The first payment was to be made by March 31, 2023, while the eighth and final by December 20, 2024;
  • For violations relating to the year 2021 and previous years, for which extension of payment terms was contemplatedFormer Legislative Decree No. 39/2024 – which was introduced to accommodate those who failed to comply with the original installment plan -: The first payment or single installment was to be paid by 31 May 2024. Subsequent installments must respect the following deadlines: 30 September 2023, 31 October 2023, 20 December 2023 and 31 March 2024. Two other installments – in which the interest was to be compounded. 2% commencing June 1, 2024 – payable by June 30, 2024 and September 30, 2024. 20 December 2024 for the last installment;
  • Special penalty for violations related to the 2022 tax periodFormer Legislative Decree No. 215/2023 Payment is required in four installments with the following deadlines: 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 20 December 2024.

Special Repentance, December 20 deadline

In other words, taxpayers who have joined Special repentance related to Financial ceasefire 2023 They should visit the cash register by December 20, 2024. In this way they will definitely make amends for the violations they have committed in the past years.

From a strictly practical point of view, those directly involved should proceed as follows:

  • Payment should be made using Model F24. This is done by identifying the correct tax codes to include in the document. Resolution No. 6/2023 of the Revenue Agency;
  • Taxpayers who have credits can use them to cover the amount owed. It has to be predicted. 2/E dated 27th January 2024 of Circular No. AE;
  • In case the taxpayer misses the payment of the last installment. Does not lose the benefits of approval.. But he will no longer be able to access the benefit of the installment plan: the tax administration registers the outstanding amount as tax and interest. But above all, it will impose sanctions provided by law for failure to pay.

Violations can be remedied by special penance.

Through the special exemption introduced with the 2023 tax treaty, taxpayers have the possibility to Fix some violations easily.. The move was spontaneous access, even though the revenue agency had already initiated checks and notified invitations. In any case it was not possible to manage:

  • Any formal violations and those prevented by automated controls.
  • Violations related to failure to submit one of the annual returns;
  • Actions related to the emergence of financial and patronage assets established and conducted outside Italy;
  • All the violations that could have been detected during automated testing.
  • Violations that could be defined by the institution of regularization of regular violations for which former article 1, paragraph 197/2022 of Law No. 166-173;
  • Any offense connected with tax supervision.

However, it was possible to access a special penance to formalize it. Income from abroad – including Ivie and Ivafe – provided that it is not possible to detect them by automated control.

Two-year prevention agreement, new prospects

Those who have not complied with the special penance provided for in the 2023 financial agreement are likely to benefit from the new institution that was launched with the two-year prevention agreement. Taxpayers actually get an opportunity to correct their position.

The new special repentance, however, is different from the previous one. It allows parties to the two-year deterrence agreement until December 12, 2024 to address violations prior to 2023. Regularization will be effected after payment of a favorable alternative tax. In essence, the two institutions are similar, but the methods of membership are quite different, as the one introduced this year is a slightly broader one, which allows taxpayers to agree on the tax they pay for two years. gives

In summary

The last installment of special repentance must be paid by 20 December 2024. Financial ceasefire 2023. This measure, although the name is the same, should not be confused with the one associated with the two-year withholding agreement, which taxpayers still have days to opt-in to.

The previous institution was launched in 2023 and allowed many taxpayers to pay off their tax debts in installments that they had to pay to the revenue agency.



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