has been given the green light. Tax DecreeWhich becomes law after voting in the House. The result? There were 151 votes in favor, 111 against and 4 abstentions. Already approved in the Senate, the provision attached to the budget law has been passed into law and we can talk about it concretely. Various measures who received final approval.
Maloney Tax Ordinance
After receiving a vote of confidence in the chamber on Wednesday 4 December, with 192 votes in favour, in the absence of changes compared to the resolution passed in the Senate, the green light was now given.
Provisions envisaged vary between different regions, taking into account the immediate needs of individual regions. This is demonstrated by 74.4 million euros Who will receive it? The territory of Sicily. This is to make up for it. Low income arises from Tax reform. i Province of TrentoInstead, destiny 5.4 million euros. This amount was earmarked for refreshments. Increase in car tax revenue.
A cry for help from companies is impossible to ignore.Aquaculture And of Fishing. Therefore the resources are expected, par 3.7 million euros For 2024, for National Extraordinary Commissioner Blue Crab Emergency. Compensation for many struggling businesses in Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto.
Among the main new features of the text, we identify: An increase of 70 million eurosWith respect to 2025, the supplementary fund for i Supply chain and district contracts. Therefore, Georgia Maloney’s government extends its hand to national production chains.
Instead they are. 50 million euros was sanctioned as an increase in the National Fund for the State’s financial contribution towards the expenditure of Local public transport (For the year 2024). The eyes were attracted again Motorway networkwith a move aimed at strengthening the internal management of Autostrada dello Statu SpA: approved 343 million euros.
A two-year restraining order
As the parties prepare for a delicate debate on the budget, with some issues yet to be resolved and little time to do so, one of the tax ruling’s most important innovations stands out. Agree Those who failed to join the first installment were guaranteed. The new window, like the previous terms, will close. December 12, 2024.
It should also be explained how it was. The audience was amplified Among the much-discussed recipients Bonus Natalie From 100 euros: employed employees with at least one dependent child, even single workers. Deferred payment of income tax will also be possible for VAT numbers, ie Second Irpef advanceup to a maximum of 170 thousand euros. So we move on from the December 2nd deadline. January 16, 2025. An aid that will not be enough for many people, being just over a month. Those who do not want or are unable to pay off the loan in one settlement, however, will be able to opt for it. Episodes in five installmentsevery 16th of the month, ending in May of the following year.
Pharmaceutical payments and assistance to parties
There is space in the text for Pharmaceutical withdrawalA procedure designed to redefine quotas due to individual areas. An actual balance of money owed by companies, as a contribution to cost overruns. It no longer only takes into account the number of inhabitants, but actually takes into account overcrowding.
Something is moving in front too. Political financing. There was much debate about the Quirinale’s intervention on the matter, yet the tax decree introduced a substantial innovation: an increase in the tax threshold. 3 million For 2024 only (resources coming from two per thousand voluntary allocation of Irpef.
Environment and key events
The tax decree provides for contribution on his behalf. 44 million eurosshould be allocated. The fight against natural disasters. A decisive current topic considering the disasters in various regions due to climate change. An amount intended as insurance coverage is also extended to business losses in the form of floods, earthquakes and more.
As for Major eventsfinally:
- 33.5 million euros – Taranto Mediterranean Games 2026, Paralympic Games 2024, Jubilee of the Catholic Church 2025;
- 4 million euros – Special Olympics Winter Games 2025.