Italy is increasingly slipping into paradoxical realities, where even heat is now a luxury for many. The number of households affected by energy poverty has reached 100 in 2023. 2.36 million9% of the total, as reported by data from the Italian Observatory on Energy Poverty (Oipe) and the Banco del Energia Foundation. More than 340,000 new families have joined this sad statistic since last year.
The downside of discomfort: saving money by turning off radiators
One of the harsh realities is related to families who do not openly report their suffering but who, in reality, They turn off the heating system to reduce costs.. Oipe speaks of a component of households in “hidden” energy poverty. Choosing not to turn on the radiators is not just a cost-saving strategy, but an increasingly dramatic state of affairs.
Regional Differences: Cold Map from North to South
As is often the case in these cases, regional disparities are evident. gave The islands And Nord-Ovest He recorded More growthand Calabria confirms itself as the most affected region: almost one in five families (19.1%) live in this situation. On the opposite front, the Marche remains the region with the fewest problems at 4.9 percent. Basilicata stands out, where the increase was the fastest (+4.4%).
Spending has come down, but the cold remains.
i 2023spent by Italian families. 1,800 euros on average for energy120 euros less than last year. The decrease of 6.4% was also possible thanks to the mild winter which reduced the need for heating, especially natural gas (-16.8%). However, the most severe cuts occurred among those already living in hardship, who were forced to forego even more domestic welfare.
At the same time, the price of electricity rose by 6.2 percent, while the price of gas remained stable, widening the gap between those who could afford it and those who could not.
Sometimes supports light.
gave Support policies You are tough less In 2023, going from 27.3 billion to 10 billion. The social bonus has also decreased: 2.2 billion euros, compared to 3.2 billion in 2022. These funds have helped about 4 million families with electricity and 2.5 million with gas, but many are exempt from these measures.
The trend affects us disproportionately. Minors and foreign families. In 2023, more than 693,000 families with at least one child were energy stressed, representing 1.15 million children. Among foreign families, the incidence was over 24 percent, most concentrated in northern Italy. Greater economic vulnerability and higher numbers of minors make these families particularly vulnerable.
Selection of the Tuscany region: a contribution of 150 euros for those in difficulty
Given the difficulties, The region of Tuscany introduced the law for Fight energy povertya phenomenon involving more than 20% of families in the region. The legislation provides a Contribution of up to 150 euros per year For households in difficulty, financing public buildings such as schools and hospitals with the cost of energy produced from renewable sources.
Part of a €70 million call for renewables, the project uses public resources to support the most vulnerable. This initiative is particularly interesting because it combines environmental and social objectives, turning energy efficiency into a tangible aid tool.