Friday, January 24, 2025
HomePenalties for anti-vaxxers: What's in Milliproghe.

Penalties for anti-vaxxers: What’s in Milliproghe.

The so-called decree is to be discussed in the Council of Ministers. A thousand extensions. It is a law that has been used for more than 20 years to renew a series of annual rules, which various governments have failed to enact for reasons ranging from lack of political initiative to lack of funds. have been

One of the most controversial articles of the next decree will be one that is suspended for another year, but not repealed multe ai no-vax. The government cannot waive them, as the resulting revenue is budgeted and therefore has to be spent. Realistically, he cannot even collect them for both political and practical reasons. That is why he has been ill for three years.

What is in the new Milleproroghe decree?

Like every year since 2001, the government is preparing to renew on an annual basis dozens of initiatives that could not be structured over the past few months due to lack of time, lack of funds or simply political maneuvering. And Milleproroghe decreeon which an increasingly large part of the functioning of the state is based.

The laws that will be extended relate to very different areas. If Draft Should it be approved, a number of procedures that would have expired on December 31, 2024 will be confirmed throughout 2025:

  • Private companies will be able to enter into long-term contracts of more than 12 months.
  • Internship of magistrates will be reduced to 12 months.
  • Non-profit organizations will be able to access 5xmille.
  • Guarantee fund for SMEs will be renewed.
  • Non-repayable aid for tourism has been renewed.
  • The LEP Determination Committee will have another year to complete its report.
  • Doctors will continue to have a “criminal shield”.
  • Renewal of residence permits for Ukrainian refugees
  • Anti-vaxxers will not have to pay fines for not having a vaccine against Covid-19.

These are just some of the rules to follow. Parliamentary approval and so shall be renewed for another year, subject to the amendments of the majority and opposition. The President of the Republic has often criticized these laws because they do not respect the constitutional principle that a law must have a precise subject matter.

The issue of fines for anti-vaxxers

An example of why this type of mandate is necessary comes from one of the most controversial provisions of the recent Milleproroghe: the extension of fines to anti-vaxxers. In January 2022, the Draghi government approved a decree introducing mandatory vaccination against Covid-19 for people over the age of 50, to protect the population most at risk from a new wave of the coronavirus. could If you do not comply with this rule, you will have to pay a fine.

Many people are not vaccinated, even if herd immunity is achieved. However, the state fines and budgets them: 150 million euros in revenue. A few months later the Draghi government falls and Georgia Maloney takes over the summer. Several parties in the majority government have been critical of the vaccination mandate and therefore the penalty itself. However, there is a problem: to cancel them you have to remove those 150 million euros from the budget. In effect, therefore, spending public money.

Therefore, the new government is blocked.. A section of his electorate is asking him to cancel the fine but the 2023 Finance Law, passed on the last possible day, December 31, 2022, does not allow for the collection of the necessary sums. So in January Parliament approved the Milleproroghe, a rule that postpones the payment of fines for a year. However, the problem repeats itself in 2023, but is solved in the same way.

This leads to a fiscal strategy for 2025. Relatively cheap provisions such as the €20 reduction in opinion license fees, in the wake of intense tension among the majority to find funding. Canceling the penalty seems impossible.. On the other hand, collecting them is becoming more complex and may require consensus among some government parties. So the solution remains the same: another extension.



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