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HomeTechnologyThis chaotic star has spots 10 times larger than the Sun!

This chaotic star has spots 10 times larger than the Sun!

An international team ofAstronomersAstronomers I just got published. Nature Communications An article that one might think would have captured the attention of the deceased. PhysicistPhysicist Solar Jean-Claude Packer. The article presents the work that was started by researchers about 20 years ago. Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), in Germany, already using two 1.2 m robotic telescopes, called Stellar activity (STELLA) and those observing the stellar activity of cold stars at the Tiide Observatory (Observatory OfOf Teddyin Spanish), is located on the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands).

Together with his colleagues at the HUN-REN Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences (HUN-REN RCAES) in Hungary, he monitored and studied the variable star XX Trianguli (HD 12545), as its name suggests, for several years. Runs, the constellation in the triangle also known as XX Tri, as explained in the AIP press release, is a red giant that Binary systemBinary system Stellar with a On a large scaleOn a large scale is barely 10 percent more likely than SoleilSoleila radius of about 10 solar radii and an effective temperature of 4,630 KelvinsKelvinswith one Period of rotationPeriod of rotation 24 days compatible with Orbital periodOrbital period of binary. It was already discovered in 1999 that this star has a star 10 times the size of the Sun.

With this discovery we can already measure progress. The bodyThe body Stellar since GalileoGalileo Sunspots appeared in the early 17th century.e century Furthermore, today we are able to probe the interior of other stars using stellar composition and interpret the data obtained within the framework of stellar structure theory. Studying starspots can also provide information about the structure and inner workings of stars.

16 years of robotic observations

For 16 years, from 2006 to 2022, the Stella robotic observatory therefore SpectacleSpectacle of XX Trianguli which indirectly made possible the reconstruction of the type PicturesPictures Filming its surface and, ultimately, its evolution.

Evolution from 2006 to 2022 Movie XX Tri of star positions. © Research: KG Strassmeier, Zs. Cowrie, M. Weber, and T. Granzer. © Visual: Victor Varga and Adam Radovani (University of Art and Design Moholynagy, Budapest)

Let’s remember that Sun spotsSun spotsand starspots are manifestations of the magnetic activity of the Sun and stars. They appear dark because they are cooler and therefore less luminous than other parts of their surface. The starsThe stars. To be a little more precise, these are areas where Magnetic fieldMagnetic field are more severe and prevent transmission. The heatThe heat equal TransportationTransportation Locally, the Sun’s magnetic field is produced by a dynamo effect that causes Earth’s magnetic field, similar, but not identical, to Earth’s.

In a press release from HUN-REN CSFK’s Konkoli Observatory, Zsolt Kővári, one of the Hungarian participants of the research team, also recalled: ” Sunspots are the most well-known phenomena of solar magnetic activity, along with many other phenomena, e.g. Solar flaresSolar flares or the solar cycle, can be linked to the mechanism of DynamoDynamo At work under the sun. Starspots are phenomena similar to sunspots, but on the surfaces of distant stars. However, we usually cannot directly observe the surfaces of stars, so we applied an indirect tomographic technique called “Doppler imaging” to the XX Tri data. »

A chaotic magnetic dynamo

The astronomer added: The solar dynamo exhibits a cyclical behavior in the number and distribution of sunspots that repeats on average every 11 years, known as the butterfly diagram. However, XX Tri is a big starbig star Red is about ten times more massive than the Sun and has a very different internal structure than the Sun, which is a dwarf. Important sequenceImportant sequence. We found no evidence of similar cycles for XX Tri. »

In their work, the researchers concluded that XX Tri’s surface changes do not show solar-like magnetic cycles, suggesting that the star’s dynamo is non-periodic in nature, mostly chaotic.

Kővári descriptive ending : « By studying stellar dynamos, we can get even closer to understanding the solar dynamo. Moreover, dynamo action is not only responsible for the magnetic properties of the Sun or other spotted stars, but the Earth’s magnetic field is also created by a similar mechanism, which on the other hand protects our technological civilization. is StormStorm Harmful solar radiation. Our goal is to be able to observe dynamo-mechanism phenomena in as many stars as possible with different properties, because by learning the similarities and differences we will ultimately better understand the processes that shape our own atmosphere. »

The solar cycle is the sun’s natural cycle, alternating between low and high activity. During the most active part of the cycle, called solar maximum, the Sun can release enormous bursts of light, energy, and solar radiation, all of which create conditions known as space weather. Space weather can affect satellites and astronauts in space, as well as communication systems, such as radio and GPS, and the power grid on Earth. To get a fairly accurate French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. Then the English subtitles should appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on “Subtitles” and finally on “Auto-Translate”. Select “French”. © Musical: “Society News Bad Instrumental” by Jean-Francois Berger [SACEM] By Universal Production Music. © Video: Goddard Space Flight Center de la NASA



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