The search for the best heating system that combines energy efficiency and profitability is at the heart of the French’s current concerns. A recent study by researchers from the Technical University of Munich made it possible to identify the most effective solution. What is the result?
In 2015, the Paris Agreement set a goal of reaching 2°C cooler than pre-industrial levels. This was followed by a review. CombustionCombustion Of EnergiesEnergies Fossils and their effects on the environment.
An in-depth comparative study
Researchers from the Technical University of Munich conducted a comparative analysis between 13 heating systems including heat boilers. GazGazPellet Boiler, Boiler GasificationGasification Of BoisBoisheat pump (PACPAC) the windthe wind– water with photovoltaic systems, air-to-air heat pumps or geothermal heat pumps with snow collectors and Solar collectorsSolar collectors. The study was conducted using the example of a typical German residence with two floors.
The scientists evaluated the economic and environmental performance of each heating system, installation costs, energy consumption, maintenance costs and BroadcastingBroadcasting D CO2 That each produces.
And the winner is…
Against all expectations, it is a combined air-water heat pump and photovoltaic panels! Heating system BiomassBiomasswhich produce The heatThe heat from The matterThe matter The first renewable resource of natural origin, has the lowest impact on the environment. On the contrarygas heating systems have the highest environmental impact. Association of solar panels with a Space heaterSpace heater Already efficient means that the impact on the environment is low.
According to the researchers, “ Electricity supply represents more than 90 percent of the environmental impact » Heat pumps during their use phase. Adding a system that provides electricity from renewable energy will then reduce this. Environmental burden ». Wood gasification boilers also turned out to be one of the most environmentally efficient systems in the survey.
To the wise…