What if shopping had real therapeutic qualities? By stimulating the production of happy hormones, it can improve our mood, even before we buy, as we imagine ourselves shopping. But be careful and don’t be overly cautious: A well-thought-out plan is essential to prevent window shopping from becoming addictive.
Can shopping really make us happier? Scientists, in their study, answer in the affirmative. So this trend of “therapeutic shopping” isn’t just a convenient excuse to spend. Used wisely, it can also contribute to our emotional well-being.
Is there real therapeutic value in the buying process? However, this question may seem surprising given that several studies have been interested in this topic. Let us refer to one of them, which was carried out by the University of Michigan and is entitled ” The benefits of shopping therapy ».
Based on the idea that sadness is usually associated with a feeling of helplessness to change our circumstances, scientists have observed that shopping allows us to regain control over our lives, especially when We feel powerless.
Release of happiness hormones
This exercise will actually stimulate the release of many happy hormones in our brain, including dopamine, serotonin and EndorphinsEndorphins. Thus, researchers have revealed that the act of making choices leading up to the moment of purchase can reduce feelings of sadness by making us feel better.SovereigntySovereignty. Walking between the aisles, trying on clothes, or even just browsing websites creates an immersive experience that can be relaxing.
Because on this last point, American psychologist Susan Albers explains that as soon as we begin to imagine our future pursuits, its positive effects appear even before the purchase. InternetInternet Or window shopping. ” The anticipation of a reward triggers a surge of dopamine, which keeps you from spending money.ArgentArgent “, she explains.
Avoid addiction
But this psychological and therapeutic value will be true only when the practice is done in moderation. For some people, shopping can become a real addiction. ” If you’re worried about becoming an addict, try replacing your spending habits with positive behaviors like exercise.Dr. Albers advises. If you don’t want to give up shopping, there’s another solution: save for a project instead of buying something right away. Waiting will create excitement and release dopamine over time. ».