On the Jura C8, maintenance information is clearly displayed on the screen and is therefore very readable. These indicate when the filter cartridge needs to be replaced, when descaling needs to be initiated, when the water tank is not adequately supplied or when the ground container must be emptied.
The drip tray also accommodates a ground container that can hold up to eight wafers of ground coffee. After 180 preparations and 80 rinses, the machine needs cleaning. Jura reminds us in its user manual that using the wrong detergent can damage its device. As for descaling, its frequency will depend on the hardness of the water.
For several reasons, Jura does not provide access to the brewing unit. The Swiss manufacturer ensures that maintenance is easy, as it is fully automated and very safe. In fact, during cleaning, the water temperature reaches more than 80 °C, which is considered sufficient to kill germs and completely dissolve coffee residues, oils and fats.
Finally, by preventing access to the percolation chamber, the risks of malfunction under external factors are completely abrogated. Although all elements can be put in the dishwasher, we strongly recommend cleaning by hand to avoid damage or wear to the material.