L’Ins breaks the silence and dots the i’s. No change in pension requirements.: Certifications are anchored to existing tables. This position comes after the uproar raised by CGIL, which speculated that changes were introduced without any warning. A wave of uncertainty led to direct intervention by the institution.
INPS closes the issue and clarifies the pension issue.
With an evening note, INPS dispels rumours. The institution ensures that i The parameters will remain unchanged.ati, based on currently published tables. A reassuring message to those who feared the sudden changes, but one that doesn’t entirely allay the concerns raised by the union.
INPS Communications comes as an anchor to end the media frenzy, but the topic of pensions remains a hot-button issue, one that is set to reignite the debate not only in the coming months, but beyond. .
CGIL concerns about pension requirements
According to the union’s projections, from 2027 there should be a minimum of 43 years and 1 month for early retirement, which will be 43 years and 3 months from 2029. A scene that caused apprehension, especially among those who were reaching the threshold of need. . The theme of PensionAlways one An exposed nerve for millions of Italianshas thus returned to the center of communication, and this has led to the need for clarity and transparency in institutional communication.
Aging estimates
Yesterday’s debate did not stop at early pensions. The age to access the old-age pension may reach 67 years and 3 months in 2027, and thereafter 67 years and 5 months in 2029. Ezio Cigna, head of the CGIL Social Security Policy Office, tabled the figures, which highlight the growing difficulties for those with broken careers or intermittent contributions. A scenario that risks exacerbating the inequalities already present in the system.
“The only valid reference is the 25th report of the State General Accounting Office for 2024, which does not provide for an increase for 2027 and indicates only one month for 2029”, explains Lara Giglione, CGIL’s confederal secretary. are An obvious position, intended to calm the water. However, the need for a union insists keep your attention high, To avoid future surprises, without prejudice to the fact that we are above the EU average retirement age, stuck at 64.4 years for men and 63.4 years for women.
Political response
CGIL’s note also created a stir in the corridors of politics. “The Maloney government, which supersedes Fornero, increases the requirements and therefore the working period to access the pension,” he wrote on social media. Former Minister of Labour and PD exponent Andrea Orlando.
“Oh Fraud Organized”, Arturo Scotto, group leader of the Democratic Party in the labor committee in the chamber, added: “The minister of labor must come to parliament”. Franco Mari, group leader of the Avs in the labor commission of the chamber, also asked for an urgent explanation: should immediately explain how such a serious incident could happen. Unilateral change in pension requirements by INPS is out of this world: did the government ask for it? And why was everything done without transparency? Here we encounter the real country, not told in Georgia Maloney’s fairy tales. The rights and lives of millions are at stake.” In short, get rid of pensions, if we ever manage to get there.