If the trend of dead leaves falling from trees begins in autumn, it continues into winter. In fact, you may encounter leaves coming from one of your neighbors’ trees, sometimes at odds with you. Therefore, it is important to know your rights and duties on this subject. Explore our specifications.
If you are still wondering who is responsible for collecting the dead leaves that accumulate on your land when you have no one.The treeThe tree At this point, find out what the law says on the subject, but also what rules to respect between neighbors or your municipality.
Dead Leaves: Should You Collect Them?
No French law requires fellow citizens to collect dead leaves that have fallen on their land since it became private. If you have a gardener’s soul, your intellect and taste for aesthetics or your desire to maintain a healthy lawn will motivate you to trim the dead leaves that accumulate on your plot. Not to mention that it’s also important to remove the build-up in your gutters to avoid any blockages.
However, if you live in a city, things get a little more difficult… The General Code of Local Authorities requires municipalities to ensure the safety of their residents and visitors and to facilitate their passage. do Cleaning, lighting, de-cluttering […]ban on […] Don’t throw anything that could harm passers-by.”. In fact, the town hall should be able to clear dead leaves from public streets.
More through According to municipal ordinance, the mayor has the right to require you to collect dead leaves in front of your house or on the sidewalk adjacent to your property. And if this is not done, beware of the consequences that may lead to your civil liability, if the insecurity of passers-by is demonstrated due to this negligence. It is therefore important to learn more about this as this type of case law is not enforced in all municipalities!
And between neighbors?
Your neighbor’s dead leaves that have fallen in your garden are considered “your property” according to Article 673 of the Civil Code which states that ” The fruits that fall naturally from these branches belong to him. The opposite is also true if your trees fail at this. In most cases, this fact is considered a “normal neighborhood nuisance,” but if your house has a lot of leaves falling or causing damage, it can turn into an “extraordinary” nuisance (accumulation on the roof). And foaming, then problemsWaterproofingWaterproofing or even gathering at the passage and danger…).
However, you are not allowed to cut branches from your neighbor’s tree without asking their permission first. The Civil Code nevertheless provides that: A person whose property is overgrown by the branches of a neighbor’s tree or shrub can compel the neighbor to cut them. » However, you have the right to cut using roots, brambles or twigs. “Limit of dividing line”.
Also note that a distance of two meters must be respected unless your property boundary is capable of planting a tree over two meters in height. If it is not more than these two meters, you can plan a place within this distance. And if you see that your neighbor does not respect this rule, you have the right to force him to move his tree. Still prefer an amicable agreement rather than embarking on an arbitration procedure that is always more comfortable for your day-to-day life, then justice!