In addition to its popular thermostat, Netmo also offers connected thermostatic heads for radiators to “control the temperature of your apartment”. The promise is attractive, but are they easy to install and are the results good?
Nettmo connected thermostatic heads for radiators
59,99 € Nine
59,99 € Nine
Additional connected NETATMO connected thermostatic head for Radia…
59,99 € Nine
NETATMO Connected Thermostatic Head 2 Thermostat Heads + Connected Adapter…
139,99 € Nine
89,99 € Nine
94,80 euros Nine
Nettmo Additional Intelligent Thermostatic Head
94,80 euros Nine
Starter Pack – Nettmo Smart Thermostatic Heads
203,90 euros Nine
Dirty Market Place
95,99 € Nine
- Marketplace
114,81 euros Nine
Netatmo additional thermostatic head
114,81 euros Nine
Starter Pack 2 Thermostatic Heads
240,02 € Nine
Amazon Marketplace
123,04 euros Nine
Nettmo connected and intelligent thermostatic head – for appliances…
123,04 euros Nine
Nettmo Starter Pack – Connected and Intelligent Thermostatic Head,…
194,79 euros Nine
139,99 € Nine
139,99 € Nine
59,99 € Nine
59,99 € Nine
89,99 € Nine
94,80 euros Nine
Dirty Market Place
95,99 € Nine
- Marketplace
114,81 euros Nine
Amazon Marketplace
123,04 euros Nine
139,99 € Nine
139,99 € Nine
139,99 € Nine
Amazon Marketplace
194,79 euros Nine
203,90 euros Nine
- Marketplace
240,02 € Nine
How does the pricing table work?
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Ease of use
Points forts
Thermostatic heads are easy to install.
Only one tool is required: a precision screwdriver (and even then, only for certain valves).
Complete and simple program management application.
Finely adjustable temperature in half degree increments.
Weak points
The bill increases exponentially with the number of radiators.
Large enough thermostatic head.
No remote temperature measurement.
Easy to install and configure via the app, Nettmo connected thermostatic heads convinced us. These are especially useful for regulating the temperature of your home room during the time slot of your choice and from room to room without having to go around all your radiators. If you are already very committed to managing your radiators properly, don’t expect significant energy savings from these valves. It is above all the practical aspect that prevails here.
Note: The price drop reported is calculated by comparing the lowest price of the day with the average of the lowest prices charged for the product by all merchants in the previous month, excluding in-store prices. with protective rules for those whose VAT policy is unclear (so-called “grey” stores, usually in the case of imports from China).
An alternative
Hot pilot
Introductory price €50
48,89 euros Nine
Amazon Marketplace
49,00 € Nine
Dirty Market Place
71,04 euros Nine
- Marketplace
79,25 euros Nine
How does the pricing table work?
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Ease of use
The small Hetzi Pilot Box allows you to effectively control your electric heating from your smartphone. All at low cost and without requiring a lot of technical knowledge. Ease of use is immediate. However, you have to deal with the limitations of pilot wire technology that does not allow for remote temperature adjustment. Despite everything, this solution appeals to us with the added bonus of the satisfaction of using a product designed in France.