Since 1979, the Arctic has warmly warmed three to four times faster than the global average. But the major differences behind the vastness of this polar region are hidden: Questionbard, a peninsula of the Arctic, is heated seven times faster. Bristol University in England decided to take advantage of artificial intelligence analytics to try to understand how the fastest melting stages actually mobilize.
Millions of images of the glaciers of Questionbird have been studied using the model of K.Artificial intelligenceArtificial intelligence : 149 Glacier, of course, between 1985 and 2023. Scientists are particularly interested in a certain type of glacier, the glaciers that flow into the sea, which represents the majority of people on the questionbird. They play the role ” Environmental pump »By bringing essential nutrients to the oceans. This supply of ice and nutrients can also change the maritime streams. According to Bristol researchers, this is the reason it is damaged MassMass Snow, calf, which is important to be considered as a priority.
So far, researchers themselves analyze, one by one, satellite images of glaciers and their daily breaking snow. A long and diligent work, and which lacks accuracy and precision according to researchers themselves: Many scientists working on this analysis often see different things and leave details from the pictures. Artificial intelligence more accurately analyzes the daily difference between glaciers.
It is a water temperature that mostly determines the melting of glaciers.
Published in the results of the study, Nature CommunicationsAre developing: 91% glaciers flowing into the sea are melting rapidly vitalvital. Overall, the total loss represents 800 square kilometers since 1985, a larger area than New York City. Annual, the loss of ice level is 24 km on average. The loss doubled in 2016, which is one of the hottest years recorded on earth. This year, Questionbird experienced record rain. MeansMeans A large number of glaciers.
The use of AI also revealed that 62 % of the questionbird’s glaciers experience a severe climate difference between the summer and the winter. But the most important discovery is the role of the sea in these stages of withdrawal and rising behind glaciers: it is the temperature of the sea that determines the method, which is much higher than the sea temperature.AirAir. As the sea goes beyond a certain range, the glaciers enter the retreat phase.
Understanding what is the reason for the melting of glaciers, as well as the right reasons, researchers hope that if all the glaciers of the questionbird melt, they estimate that the sea level will increase on average 1.7 cm, Which will endanger many coastal populations. .