As environmental transfer intensifies and energy costs continue to increase, cities face new challenges. The growing number of municipalities is adopting energy -saving solutions and is looking for alternatives that are both economical and environmentally friendly. In these innovations, biochemical lighting appears to be interesting.
In recent years, many municipalities have tried to save money by reducing or shutting down public light. If the latter is essential for safety and quality of life, in both cities and rural areas, it gives rise to many problems: environmental, economic, energy, health and safety. To face these challenges, a global and balanced approach is needed in keeping with all these factors. This is good because an interesting project has just praised the landscape.
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Couple Biological researchersBiological researchers Successful, thanks to manipulation GeneticGeneticPrepare plants that are able to create light during their lives. A startup from Wood Light, Strasbourg has picked up this innovation to offer soft and more environmentally friendly lighting. These biochemcent plants, which spread a LightLight At night is enough to brighten a street, there will be many benefits. They will not interfere with it. WildlifeWildlife Would use local, very little or notEnergyEnergyAnd it will have an effect on pollution.AirAir. Which makes it a sustainable light source, and 100% can be recycled. The first prototypes are about 10 cm and will fully fulfill its role. As you can imagine, it is impossible to close them.
Shiny plants, not at all new ideas!
This concept is linked to a natural trend: Biolominis was discovered in ancient times. Thus we are talking about living organisms like WormWormThe marine animal or even MushroomMushroom Which naturally produce and emit light. Under the air, the use of researchers and designers has begun to consider. BioluminescenceBioluminescence As a sustainable alternative to artificial light. This idea connects the natural light of animals for more environmentally friendly light in our cities with modern technology. One of the symbolic plans in this area is that the 2014 created by the ile-France Start-up Glovee, which uses marine bacteria to illuminate urban networks. Many French municipalities in the Paris region have been able to examine this concept. However, we are not yet enlightened like this.
Today, biochemids in urban light are still experimental, but development! Researchers are still working on the content affected by this trend or are also working on technologies that imitate it, such as paint or bacoluminous solar panels. The idea is to develop solutions that are not only more environmental, but also to reduce energy consumption in our cities. Some municipalities are already experiencing biochemcents with smooth stones or independent public lighting systems using fluorescent materials to limit the use of electricity. Although biochemids are not yet commonly used in public light, it represents an exciting place to re -invent yesterday’s urban light.
Important Economic Impact?
Urban lighting represents 19% of total global power consumption, equivalent to more than 5%. BroadcastBroadcast That Green House GasGreen House Gas. In France, at the national level, it produces an annual cost of two billion euros and makes 37 % of the local authorities’ electricity bill. Bioluminescent light can help reduce both economic and energy costs. In fact, this type of light does not require almost electricity or very few, which allow municipalities to reduce their electricity bills connected to public light.
However, this transition in biochemins requires significant investment. Cities will certainly have to provide financial support for research, installation and infrastructure reconciliation. This may result in a temporary increase in local taxes or borrowed to meet these initial costs. Fortunately, in the long run, bioyloominant can also help reduce lighting care costs. Low maintenance, less repair, which means less costing on communities. In short, once investment is made, the cost of management can be much lower than in the traditional lighting system.
Finally, there are indirect benefits. By reducing The pollution of lightThe pollution of light And by improving the quality of air, biodiversity lighting can have a positive effect on the public, including reducing pollution -related diseases. Obviously, the Wood Light Team itself says that the lighting of the biochemcent plant will not be equal to the street lamps, the light emitted from these organisms is very low, which is not suitable for some places to illuminate. – But Startup explains that he wants to use this type of plant as additional sources of light to mark in parks or on cycle routes by the end of 2025.