The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has launched two Band Comparison Aim to get the total services of 84 sailors. For both elections, assumptions are predicted Full -time fixed timeFor 3 to 8 months, in the third professional area for Lake Inland Navigation Practice. In the event of the first announcement, the misery 54 seatsNew assumptions will be aimed at management of navigation Guarda Lake And to Government Management Navigation Major lakesOf, Guarda E As ifWhile in the second call, 30 seatsExpect to the destination, Management Management and Government Management Navigation Ligi Maggiever, Guarda and Como. For the purposes of the participation, respect indicated that Requirements As well as candidates Prove the demium To support, articles are subject to verification and entry time in competition.
Demands to participate in the competition
List Requirements I Comparisons for the sailors The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport is common between the two calls that aims to get the overall services of 84 people. In Article 2, under the Item Item, we read that it is important to participate in the competition:
- Is the one Diploma Secondary First degree. Candidates for the capacity acquired abroad will have to identify the details of the supply, with which the title was recognized as equivalent to the Italian qualifications requested by the announcement or was announced that they were equalized. Will request.
- Enjoy Older;
- Is Citizenship Italian Or possession of art needs. 38, paragraph 1, 2 and 3 -bis, 30/03/2001 of the legislative decree, N. 165;
- Enjoy civil and political rights.
- Get physical reason for specific use.
- The active political voters were not excluded, not a permanent return to the public administration, due to the rules of the sector, or for the same reasons or for disciplinary reasons, withdrawing from employment or employment under the current legislation. Did not The law or contract, or the preparation of false or incurable nutritional documents has been announced to fall to meet or seek services.
- Not reported Admissions With the final decision for the crimes that hinders the services of the public administration. People who have a criminal action, have administrative action for safety or prevention measures or criminal records against them, registered in the judicial box, which Article of the Presidential Decision of 14/11/2002 N.313 Under 3, they report on it. Explaining the candidate’s time, the date of supply and the judicial authority, which issued it or where the criminal proceedings are hanging.
- Be able to swim and ride.
In addition, for the purposes of participating in the competition, it is important that both of the requests comply with the aforementioned requirements of both the application and the process of signing a job agreement in the event of victory and victory. And once again, the ability of high studies does not represent the assignment of the higher score, in these cases.
To submit requests
In order to access the selection for 84 sailors it is important to regularly present interested parties Application Of entry into the recruitment portal inpa. Deadline has been fixed after that 10 days From the date of publication of calls, in both cases, January 28, 2025. Please note that to access the inta it is needed to be in the possession of Spad, CIE, CNS or Eidas, with candidates who once entered, they will have to fill their curriculum. After the applicants, all communication will always be carried out via the ITA portal.
Tests and scores were planned
For both calls in question, a series ProveSo divide:
- Examination Initial Of appropriateness for swimming and rowing;
- Trial Written In digital mode, it is specific to those who have passed the initial exam. There is a numerous response test that aims to deepen the knowledge of later reported articles and provide a minimum score of 18/30.
- Trial OralAre specific to the writing aligials, who have achieved equal scores together. The articles of the exams are similar to writing, with the latter step that will help explain the final rating.
As if History Of the tests, they will always be told candidates with at least 15 days notice through the ITA portal.
Eumam content
Various tests listed is aimed at reaching the candidate’s preparation assessment in reference to the following Theme (Art. 7 gangs):
- Geographic, climate and tourist features Lake Como (in case of 30 sailors announcement) and Lake Guarda (in case of call of 54 sailors);
- Note on name and ship goods;
- Precautions against fire, fire extinguishers and their use.
- Note navigation code;
- Notice DPRN. 631 of 28.06.1949 – Code for Internal Navigation;
- Notes of legislative decree. 81/2008 and Legislature Number. 106/2009 – Legislation of health and safety at work space;
- Note 18.07.1957 n. 614 Government Administration and its pairs;
- Notice on the legal status of Katrinoville staff with a special reference for RD 08.01.1931 N. 148;
- Microsoft Office’s main package (Word, Excel, Power Point), and ordinary and certified Internet applications and email.
- English language.