So that economically helps Elderly people Which are under special economic loss conditions, the Georgia Meloni government provided experimentally 2025 Of the new welfare measures. It is, in particular, of INPS Universal Performance Which is proven in integration 850 euros Each month for allowance provided by Article 1 of the Law N.18 of February 11, 1980. Starting from January 2, 2025, of this special kind Elderly bonuses Offers the gods Requirements Very stiff, in addition to connecting the money supply with specific use.
INPS Universal Performance
As needed by the Legislature of March 15, 2024, is already nominated by N.29 ElderFrom January 2, 2025 recognizes one Efficiency Global Which forces the allowances (Law 18/1980) and the services provided by the ATS to absorb the areas of its ability (Article 1, Paragraph 164, Law 234/2021).
Is proven in a monthly economic contribution 850 euros Which is paid for support Specific Costs. The purpose of the move, an experimental two years of 2025/2026, is to help the elderly who offer health and economic problems, and therefore, there is more difficulty in supporting care and support costs.
I Requirements Of this move, they are very strict, with the estimates of the beneficiaries, which are not more than 25,000 units. Universal performance is in fact only given to those who need a specific welfare of the definition Very serious From the Inips, who in his note on this topic, made it clear that the application can only be made by:
- Is at least 80 years Of registry age;
- There is no more than an ISEE 6 thousand euros;
- A very serious level of need, which was reviewed in the documents by the Ins Medical – Legal Commission, also based on indicators provided by the Technical – Scientific Commission.
- Along with this, the ownership of the allowance, if suspended, will not allow you to see the recognized performance.
Elder Bonus 2025, data and costs are allowed
With their entitled, with Universal performance The check supply is obligatory Monthly Value 850 euros Who will increase it 531.76 of Allowance with this (Total 1381.76 euros every month) The amount paid in the form of a bonus is not taxable and predicted, but can only be used for specific costs, such as:
- Compensate for the value of The work of care and aid Which is carried out by domestic workers with relations in accordance with the provisions of national collective agreements in this sector.
- l ‘The purchase of services Is intended for care and relief work Business And in the field of extraordinary social aid, professionals comply with specific provisions involved in integrated regional and local level programming.
It has also been made clear that two ways to cost each other are alternatives.
How to apply
Application To get Universal performance It should be presented online through the old decree page – Universal performance begins on January 2, 2025. The application can be personally and by patronage.
The following is required Documents:
- DSU, update to calculate the unique replacement declaration, income and heritage;
- Very serious care requirements;
- With this, documents related to the ownership of the allowance.
Ins, which application received, will continue a series of Check out The analysis with which has been announced is to confirm the truth, which will also offer the actual presence of requirements, regular home contracts and to approve the move to control services provided by special companies. In the presence of irregularities found, the National Social Security Institute will cancel the bonus, but at the same time the allowance will remain.