the l VAT Number Attribution Certificate This is a basic document for everyone that decides to do independent activity in Italy. When you open the VAT number, the Revenue Agency officially releases this certificate to confirm the activity recording.
This document represents an essential point to be able to run legally, whether it be freelance, business or craftsman. Therefore, it is important to know its characteristics, functions and practical use.
What is the certificate of VAT number Attribution?
the l VAT Number Attribution Certificate It is an official document that confirms a unique tax identification assignment to a person who begins independent economic activity. This number, which is known Vat numberIt is necessary to guarantee a professional or a company to taxively tax and detect economic operations.
The certificate is issuedRevenue Agency At the time of registration of the VAT number, which can be presented by the AA7/10 model for natural individuals or the AA7/10 model for companies. The certificate not only reported the VAT number, but also the name of the registered article identification data, such as the name, address and activity with the ATECO code indicators.
In paper or digital form, the certificate of attribution represents an official document and is often necessary in different situations, as we will see later.
What is the Certificate of Attribution?
the l VAT Number Attribution Certificate It has many practical and administrative tasks, which are fundamental to performing independent activity. Here are some important utilities.
1. The official identity of economic activity
The certificate represents a formal examination of the opening of the VAT number and confirms that the activity was recorded in the Revenue Agency. This makes it inevitable to perform regular work tax.
2. Corporate current accounts opening
Many banks require a certificate offering for the inauguration of a Corporate Current AccountEconomic transactions related to activity are necessary to manage.
3. Contracts with suppliers and users
In the case of professional cooperation, contracts or supplies, the certificate may be requested by consumers or suppliers to confirm the reliability of the professional or company tax.
4. Access to funding and concessions
It is often necessary to submit a certificate of attribution, often to apply for financial assistance or to benefit from tax or auxiliary privileges.
5. Official Declaration and Communications
The certificate can be made for some public communication with public or private entities, such as participation in calls, registering tenders or social security institutions.
The VAT number’s attribution certificate is not only a formal document, but also an indispensable tool to correct a autonomous activity correctly and legally. The protection and use of it in the proper context is fundamental to guarantee the regular functioning of economic activity.
What information is in the certificate
the l VAT Number Attribution Certificate It contains a series of necessary information that identifies the VAT number owner and the economic activity of the VAT number. These data are the fundamental for the subject tax identification and management and accounting management.
These are the main information listed in the certificate:
- VAT number numberWhich is a unique code attributed by the Revenue Agency at the time of registration. This number is used to identify the article in all tax and administrative transactions.
- The owner’s personal dataIn case of freelancers or individual companies, or company data, in the case of a company. These include full name or social cause, tax code and address.
- Date of Attack of VAT numberWhich is compatible with the moment in which the Revenue Agency was registered.
- Atico codeWhich ranks the economic activity done by the VAT number owner. This code is important because it describes the sector and determines some tax and auxiliary aspects.
- Tax DomicileWhat is the place where the article performs its business or where the company has registered the office?
These figures represent the base to properly handle their tax position and ensure the current rules and regulations.
How to request that
Request VAT Number Attribution Certificate This is a simple operation, which can be performed in different ways according to the owner’s needs. At the time of opening the VAT number and after, it is possible to apply when a request or the latest copy is required.
The request can be made directly inRevenue Agency. To do this, the applicant should physically go to a single regional offices, with a valid identification document and, if necessary, on the occasion of a delegation when the application was made by a bruise. ۔
As an alternative, it is possible to apply a certificate through this Revenue Agency’s Telematic PortalBy accessing your speed, CIE or CNS credentials. This mode is especially easy for people who prefer to avoid moving or need to present themselves personally.
Finally, for those who use A Financial adviser Or it is possible to hand over a tax mediation, a certificate request to the latter. Eligible Bowls can directly access the revenue agency system and provide the customer’s document.
Once the application is made, the certificate is immediately issued in paper or digital format, depending on the selected format. This document must be kept safely, as it can be made in various conditions related to the owner’s economic activity.