It improves soil health. He stores a co –2. Bibochar has recognized features by science. But they could be considered less, we learn to today’s researchers.
Burns IssueIssue Without bringing oxygen to vegetables – this is the principle PyrolisisPyrolisis – And you will find a type of coal called scientist Bibochar. This is what, in Amazon, makes Black landBlack landBlack, so fertile. Researchers are starting to understand how they work. In its unsafe structure, clay is worn through the years of aggressive exploitation. She also maintains a special moisture there. And helps to disable the high -pH of the biochar. According to recent studies, interactions between biochar also improve MicrobiumMicrobium From the roots of the earth and the plants that grow there.
The Bauchar who is doing great is also storing CarbonCarbon. Because the effect of pyrosis of vegetable substance is the effect of focusing in the biochar that obtained hidden carbon in CO2 That the plants occupied their entire life. A group of inter -governmental experts related to climate growthA group of inter -governmental experts related to climate growth (IPCC) also identifies it as another tool at our option to eliminate any part of the CO2 Our environment is present. Another tool.
Bauchar has maintained carbon for millions of years
But researchers at Ahars University (Denmark) are moving forward today. In a research published in the journal BiocharThey go so far “A huge capacity as being ready for a joint end2 Long -term ”. And have the same status as “Promise Technology”Biochar can go well “Essential technology” In our climate strategy.
To understand, you should know that doubts about stability were issued over the time of the biochar. But a year ago, appeared in a studyInternational Journal of Coal Geology Finally, the biochar’s capabilities were demonstrated so that carbon could be stored in a long period of time. Understand, for millions of years! From there, Danish researchers believe that climate experts are based on obsolete assumptions related to the model biochar used to perform their estimates. Even they show that these models do not understand this ChemistryChemistry Basic and substantially promotes the declaring rate of biochar.
A reliable solution to eliminate CO2 from our environment
Researchers eventually set up bases that should be recognized as effective, prepared and permanent carbon storage technology. In particular, they demand the full physiothemical properties of the biochar that can help maximize carbon pursuit while improving soil health.
The authors of the study hope that their results will encourage political decisions, industrialists and researchers to work immediately. “Biochar is a technology that is ready to be enforced and can have an immediate effect.”Henrik Anjuman Patterson, assured the professor’s professor Geological Survey of Denmark and GreenlandIn a press release. Thanks to specific models and the latest experimental discoveries, biochar and slow pyrolis can soon occupy the front of the scene as a reliable and scientifically legitimate solution to eliminate the partner.2.