Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeTechnologyNow we know why these predatory collectors had so many wearing teeth!

Now we know why these predatory collectors had so many wearing teeth!

Scientists from the skeleton of skeleton found in Poland and the last ice age have long been seen by interesting scientists: they show really clear and completely atypical clothing. However, a researcher could eventually get an answer, which highlights the culture of these hunters.

30,000 years ago, Europe was submerged, called the last snowfall. ClimateClimate Then it was cold and snow hats were covering the northern areas. In the wide ToundsTounds Who occupied the present Austria and Poland, however, the groups of hunter collectors lived. Many archaeological sites, including the village of Paulov, actually presented evidence of a sophisticated culture, based on hunting.

Unusually worn teeth

But since their discoveries, the researchers of this polyvision culture have been interested in researchers. ScalpScalp All strange brands were found on the teeth. Cannes, And a beardAnd a beard And the premiums of individuals, adults and young people, really fully wear atypical wear and tears. To explain them, previous studies suggest that these individuals will have some habits, such as keeping the thirst in the mouth to please the thirst. But researchers, however, offer another theory, after a careful analysis of the dental of dozens of people, who lived between 29,000 and 25,000 years. Brands, only on the outer faces of the dental MacrieryMacriery Suggest that people were wearing piercings (or laborets) on cheeks!

From childhood to pierce to cheeks

Such physical jewelry has already been found in other archaeological places, which shows that wearing piercing is not a particular phenomenon of our modern society, on the contrary. However, no sample that could be associated with a laborer was not found on the polyvision sites. In an article published in the journal Journal of Palevalathak ArchaeologicalJohn Charles Willman of the University of Kobra University (Portugal) explains that it is quite possible that the laborets were made of destructive materials, such as leather such as leather or like BooseBoose.

Dental analysis suggests that the first laborer has been in childhood, with very young children’s teeth are already showing signs of wearing. However, these adults are more on the teeth, which shows that the other laborets were included with the age of the age, or they had a higher size. This type of physical ornament should have a social meaning, perhaps by identifying people belonging to a group of individuals.



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