The iPhone receives the first application dedicated to pornographic content, thanks to the third party application store that allows you to stop Apple censorship in Europe. The firm is not happy …
A big difference between iPhone and smartphones AndroidAndroid Adults have access to content. appleapple By prohibiting someone, always adopted a more pureton position ApplicationApplication To the pornographic content on the app StoreStore. In 2010, Steve JobsSteve Jobs Even the firm has gone to say ” The moral obligation to maintain pornographic content outside the iPhone ».
It does not stop access to pornographic locations with safari, but will now be able to install adult applications in Europe using iPhone. The first is already available and it is called hottub, a video player describes all interference as a browser for adults without ads. However, it should not be expected to find at the App Store.
Apple forcing third -party application stores in Europe to authorize
European legislation on digital markets (Digital Markets ActOr DMA) attacks, other than other things, Apple’s monopoly and third -party application stores on the iPhone need to be authorized. Being able to use the hottub application, you will have to install the First Paul application store first.
It is obvious not for Apple’s taste, which did not fail to react to the media StuffyFor, for, for,. By Son PortPort-Perol Peter Ajimin: « We are deeply concerned about safety risks that such cutter pornographic applications create EU users, especially for children. This application and other people of the same type will be able to trust users in our EcosystemEcosystemThat we try to make the best in the world for more than a decade ». He also emphasized that Apple will never present this application to the App Store.
For this part, Alaster Paul’s developer indicates that he wants to fight against him ” Damaged policies recently by politicians, meta and others “And he intended to donate to allUrgentineUrgentine Received By His Patrician in February ” Cause sex workers and members of the LGBTQ+ community ».