The human biological clock irrationally, its exposure LightLight At night, artificial cancer is suspected of increasing the risk of breast cancer. In Villageov, a human being is trying to make the team wrong.
According to the World Atlas of the World Atlas, about 85 % of the world’s population and more than 99 % of European residents and Americans live under artificial light contaminated at night. FlashFlash Artificial sky NicotorinNicotorin. Lamps, advertising panels, office lighting, gardens …, sources are numerous. However, the artificial lighting of the night bothers the biological rhythm of 24 hours, which is stopped on a day -free cycle, called “circidine” rhythm, which is targeted by all organisms.
And this circidine regulates a large number of biological functions, such as hormonal systems that depend on hormone cancer and breast cancer. The Pascal Ganal Exhibition and the inheritance team at the Epidemology and Health Research Center of the Valley’s population shows surprise whether it interferes with their problems. Circadin rhythmCircadin rhythmIn relation to this night light exposure, the risk of breast cancer can affect.
Artificial Light: A hidden danger?
While at night work, artificial lights were added to the strong and long exhibitions, the night was probably classified as a carcinjan.World Health OrganizationWorld Health OrganizationEspecially of breast cancer, some studies to date have focused on populations that are in front of Lightly pollutionLightly pollution In the normal environment. “” ” Individuals may face external artificial light before bed and then once in their beds WindowsWindows And the curtains even asleep, people imagine shine “Nirmala Prajapati says, who has done her dissertation in the laboratory and is the first author of two posts on the subject. To dig more, the team used. ProtocolProtocol Original to measure light pollution exposure: It relied on the skills of aloud fever, a geographical expert who used and analyze geographical data.
Satellite imaging in research service
The research team used data for two epidemiological studies conducted by the laboratory. Cecil Study, which aims to highlight the environmental risk factors for breast cancer, includes more than a thousand women, including this pathology and 1,200 non -set witnesses. They were asked about their lifestyle and their various environmental or professional exhibitions.
“Individuals can be added to their beds in front of the external artificial light in the evening before bed and then through windows and curtains. Even while sleeping, individuals imagine shine “
The second study is based on the collaboration with E3N generations of 100,000 women recruited in 1990 and is regularly followed over time to observe the appearance of diseases. This analysis resulted in more than 5,500 women suffering from breast cancer, and many unmanageable women.
In two studies, Alodi Fewar measured the level of night synthetic light exposure by attributing values to the American program DMSP by satellite images by attributing it to women’s residences (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) « ResolutionResolution Geographic is poor enough, but these photos of night light are going to cover the whole French since 1990 “, Explains the scientist.
In addition, in addition to traditional risk factors of breast cancer such as activity levels BodyBodyThe team has analyzed air pollution levels in dioxide, smoking, or hormonal treatment due to negligence, the number of children, or not, due to menstruation, or not.NitrogenNitrogen And Excellent particlesExcellent particlesIn previous studies, there is also a doubt about breast cancer.
With E3N Generations, ” The research team has also taken into account the presence of green locations near residential places, which can affect the incidence of breast cancer by reducing the pollution rate or promoting physical activity. “Indicus Nirmala Prajapati.
Breast Cancer and Light Pollution: Even at home?
At this stage, the results obtained from the Cecil Study shows that at night artificial light exposure can be associated with the increased risk of cancer of Her2+cancer, which is a sub -group of aggressive breast cancer more than that Is affected ProteinProtein. The results of E3N-GénéRations are being published.
« These preliminary works do not allow us to conclude for the moment that the association between artificial light exposure and the risk of breast cancer at night. However, in view of the high incidence of breast cancer and the effects of public health that can display artificial light at night, it is important to continue researching in this area, with more clearly evaluating exposures in artificial light. , Includes indoors. “, Aside Pascal Gainle.
One of the tracks of this research improvement is to use the measurement of the exposure in the night artificial light PhotographsPhotographs Taken ApplisionsApplisions Since International Space StationInternational Space Station. « They make it possible to get a resolution of just a few meters around the residence space, and inform them about SpectrineSpectrine Bright and blue component of light, most likely to disturb the circidine rhythm “The Elode Fever explains. A project of harmony, including 220,000 volunteers, has been considered.