Twenty -six meters long! This is the size of a new bus that has been revealed by Chinese manufacturer Yotang. This monster is so long that there are two StatementsStatements. And despite its size, it’s really a 100 % electric vehicle.
If the name of Uttang does not tell you anything, then know that it is a company that specializes in electric buses and coaches, which is sold in many countries, including France. According to the manufacturer, the new bus is the first of its kind. However, this is not true, since its main rival, Chinese BYD, released an electric bus of 27 meters in 2019. Don’t expect it to land in France, or even in China, in its country. This new bus was specifically designed for Mexico.
Discover a new extra long electric bus. © Uttong
A spreading market
According to the e -bus radar, Mexico has a raft of 744 electric buses, of which 535 are developed by Uttong. The benefits of the new bus ” Tall AutonomyAutonomyShort charging time, low noise and low pollution “The manufacturer indicates, who did not discuss the bus scope, but it makes it clear that he has a wheelchair, as well as” place of women “.
After the rapid rise in China, Yutang turned to the international and “sells new” to over 190,000 buses ” EnergyEnergy ». The firm sold about 500 electric buses in Europe, especially in 2022 and 2023, which is a spreading market. In France, it has 737 buses, of which 132 are 100 % electric, which is mainly in Paris, Strasbourg, Leone, Tolos and Marseille.