The presence of the state will not be as a shareholder in the LordFormer alva. To say that this is a minister of business and is made in Italy, Adulpho UrsoOn the occasion of a stamp offering for 25 years of molecule. Meanwhile, Italy’s steel works, which are currently in unusual administration, have submitted a request for renewal Unusual holiday .i For the year 2025, from March 1, with the impact, decreased compared to the present.
The former Ilva calls for the renewal of Casa
The former ILVA, who is currently in the abnormal administration, formally requested the Ministry of Labor Renewed the abnormal roofs For the year 2025. With all the effects Starting from March 1. The company says it wants to reduce what is currently implemented.
In July 2024, a contract with the Ministry of Labor was reached, which delivered the maximum number of 4,050 workers Sixth for the whole group. Of them, 3,500 employees on the Taranto website. After a complex negotiation, an agreement was reached, in which the company initially requested the integration of 5,200 employees, including 4,400 in the Turno.
This time the former Ilva indicated yesterday’s roofs 3,420 employees. Lack of 630 units compared to the previous agreement. Details: 2,955 employees in the roofs on the Tarranto site and 465 employees at other groups of the group, 225 of whom in Geneva and 155 in Novi Lagar.
Italian steel mills for sale
Abnormally touted. The renewal of renewal is connected to Sales procedure By the company February 14 The re -launches of the three industrial groups who are interested in the purchase of the former ILVA are expected to re -launch.
- Jindal Steel;
- Baku steel;
- Bedrock
Among them, just Jindal Steel made details and guidelines of his offer: an investment 2 billion euros Overall on detective. In addition to three offers for the full acquisition of the entire company, seven other suggestions were made, focusing on the acquisition of specific assets through Arselometal Atlas (ADI).
One of them is a offer Marsgoglia GroupAre interested in the productive places of RacconigiFor, for, for,. Rough And in some activities France. Currently, there is no merger between Jandal and Baku Steel offers, but the future possible alliance between the two companies should not be excluded.
The words of Arsu on the former alva
On the occasion of offering a stamp for Anvolia for 25 years, Minister Ursu commented on the state’s possible presence in the former ILVA shareholder:
“I have the impression that the state’s presence in recent years has not supported the former ILVA. So the presence of the state in itself is not always the solution to this problem. “We have a practical and non -ideological vision: the presence of the state will be inspected, but I don’t think that the budget of these years in which the steel mills in Italy had an important and important part of the molecule was decided. Can be positive.