Olympics of winter Milan Cortina 2026 About one million visitors will be attracted in northern Italy. About 155 thousand of them will be inside the houses that have been arranged through Airbinb, What has been read in a Delive’s report on this topic? This will have a significant impact on the local economy, the results are quick and in the future.
Thanks to the effect of a series of spending that creates a multiplication Economic impactThe generating business will exceed 150 million euros, which will enter more than 100 million directly into the Italian economy and create hundreds of jobs. This community will also benefit, which will generate tens of millions of euros taxes.
How much will Air BNB tourists spend for the Olympics
Between 161 thousand guests between Winter Olympics and Para OlympicsAirbin B. Milan Kortina represents the most important fact of hospitality in terms of 2026. It is about 16 % of those who will visit Lombardi, Veneto and Trentino Alto Edge between 4 and 22 February, when sports events occur. There will be a competition. An important percentage, including an important economic effect for the areas involved.
Overall, according to the report of DewatetSpending all those tourists who will arrive for northern Italy Elimbpiadi Milan Cortea will remain in Winter and an Air BNB 154 million euros. This includes not only housing costs, but also all other goods and services that the viewer needs to meet their needs.
- Accommodation in the structure organized by Airbin B: 66 million euros;
- Catering: 15.3 million euros;
- Purchase: 7.6 million euros;
- Food gender: 6.4 million euros;
- Fun: 5.6 million euros;
- Transport: 4.7 million euros.
The effects of Airbin B on the local economy
Local economies of these areas that will host sports programs will benefit from these costs. Basically, the Olympics and Winter Para will be the most advanced to take advantage of the Olympics Lombardi, Veneto and Trentino Alto Adej. In these regions, 1,220 full -time jobs will be created due to the expenses of guests from Airbin B. Of these, 598 will be created directly at the expenses of guests, 442 will be derived from the intermediate purchase of the companies involved and will be created from the costs of employees of 180 related companies.
The increase in demand will have a positive impact on various sectors related to tourist arrivals.
- Reception and Catering: 38 million euros more business;
- Detailed and wholesale trade: 28 million euros more business;
- Property Uncontrolled Services and Companies: 19 million euros more business;
- Cultural Services, Entertainment and Public Administration: 17 million euros more business;
- Transport: 15 million euros more business.
Thanks to the payment of tourists will also benefit the entire community 33 million euros in taxes More than expected, 15 million of them will be reached with VAT and residential taxes. On the other hand, 12 million euros will come from taxes on companies. Finally, 5 million euros more than workers’ income. Some of these taxes are deposited locally and will finance the areas and municipalities of Lombardi, Venetto and Trentino Alto Adiaz.