On the occasion of Italian Day against food waste, Barla Foundation Presented your new project “Savings Book – 120 steps against food waste to save from home and away“A Free Guide Which provides solid solutions not only on the environment, but also on the family budget, to improve food management and reduce waste.
Between 120 steps in the reach of each The book contains many recipes that are used to use survivors or parts that are commonly used to throw. But these suggestions that worry about food protection, labels reading, food planning and order on shelves.
Practical assistance to reduce and save waste
According to estimates, a family who adopts more attention to food protection and use can save up to 500 euros each year. Offers “savings book” Practical strategy To improve food management at each stage: from purchases to protection, from preparation for survivors. A move that is compatible with the broader purpose of the Barla Foundation: to spread a Culture of food savings and sensitive to consumers An issue that relates to everyone.
The book will be available for free from February 4, 2025 and can be applied to the Barila Foundation’s official website.
The most wasted food (which to pay more attention)
In the preparation of the book, Foedazian Barilla began with his deep analysis to identify national and international scientific literature. What were the most wasted foods? (Such as fruits, vegetables, bread, fresh milk products). And what were it? The main reasons for this waste (Invalid protection, misinformation of the expiry dates, etc.).
Possible steps They were divided into 5 major types: How to improve different types of foods, including a part of the correct reading of the expiration dates, how to cook using some parts of the food that we are normal How to waste and reuse survivors. The last two parts focus on the meal plan, the moments of expenses and the food that are, for example, in the office or restaurant.
More than a billion tons of food is thrown
Global food waste contains very important dimensions: approximately One -third of the prepared food It is thrown from the field to the table. It is equivalent More than a billion tonnes Starting with this food scenario, the Barla Foundation’s activity invites us all not to feel a part of the problem, but a part of the solution, taking personal advantage.
Nobel Peace Prize with Professor and IPCC.
Matio PuriDirector of the Barla Foundation, emphasized the work of the Foundation’s outbreak:
After years of studies and research, the Barla Foundation plans to contact people, all of us. And he wants to do it with a positive point of view, provides tools tools to understand and practice it. With a savings book he wants to help fight the waste of food, because through a more conscious way we can finally return to the meal, which is a great price.
Supporting companies to raise awareness against waste
The program was also attended by major retailers and representatives of the financial sector, including Esterd Palmy (Eselinga), Francisco Pomarico (Megamark) and Stefano Walpoto (Banka Medulanam). This virtue of Italian panorama, already active in Awareness against wasteFoundation has decided to embrace the project, pledged to promote it through its channels and spread the message to one More and wider audience.
A special moment was Mara Munichi’s intervention, which is the main character of a series of videos titled “Who doesn’t waste” with the Record Valentine. Through four clips, “weird” couple Practically and It shows how easy the daily indicators are in the fight against the waste of food.
A free move for a solid effect
A revolutionary aspect of this project is that Full discount of the book. Fondzine Barla has already printed 200,000 copies, which will be distributed to anyone without any price. A move that represents a further step in awareness of food waste with the aim of promoting positive and lasting change in society.