Last October, the earthquake shook Iran. And with it, a part of the social network and even the media. They were in a hurry to join the theory that a secret nuclear test was actually the earthquake. Researchers have investigated. They present their results today.
October 5, 2024, an earthquake of ExtentExtent 4.6 In northern Iran, Semon shook around the city. One priority, nothing surprising. The country is, in fact, in an earthquake -active region, which is formed by two tectonic plates, Arabic and Eurasian plates. But in a few minutes after the earthquake last October, social networks – and even some media – pointing to the government’s responsibility.
That SismologesSismologes Investigating Johns Hopkins University (United States). And the results they publish in the journal Earthquake Are final. Using earthquake monitoring stations, researchers concluded that EarthquakeEarthquake A soft slope started with a flaw. Where the clash between Arab and Eurasia distorts the earth’s layer. A process that is fully consistent with the region’s natural earthquake activity. What eliminates any link with an extraordinary source or nuclear test.
Earthquake waves do not lie
“The earthquake waves provide earthquake information. By recording the waves at various locations at the surface of the earth, we can decide what the source features that created them.Team Heads at Johns Hopkins University explains earthquake expert Benjamin Fernando. In this case, the source was what we call an upset, StimulationStimulation During the collision of Arabic and Eurasian plates, the land layer is associated with crushing. Nuclear tests have very different signatures. Explosive signature. »
To understand how rumors of nuclear tests have spread in the region where geographical political tensions are already larger, researchers have increased the thread of history. Unless the tweet already suggested, just 27 minutes after the earthquake. He noted that one of the most common messages that promoted the theory of nuclear tests came from an account associated with Russian -backed information campaigns. And after that Social NetworksSocial NetworksMany media in different countries, including France, have seized the alleged issue. Referring to other misconduct examples of the earthquake due to the nuclear explosion and releasing false data on it.
Fight online disinformation and media
So what to do to stop it from being again? Researchers have a suggestion. At this time, some media have naturally arranged. That is, calls for local experts and government earthquake data. Scientists also recommend maximum cooperation between earthquakes to correct misinterpretations immediately and fight more effectively against dislike.
Researchers at the University of Johns Hopkins believe that scientists can quickly publish a detailed earthquake to restore the reality of the facts.“By promoting content from certified scientific reports, we can reduce the number of misleading stories. This can be done through a partnership between social media platforms and reliable agencies such as earthquakes or American geological surveys.Johns Hopkins University, studying and ending Saman Karimi, co -author of Geo -Physicist.