To find out how no one has the lack of information, not everyone is given. So far, scientists also thought that this ability was allotted to humans. But it seems that the monkeys who are close to us, Bonobos also know that when they know something when we do not know.
Understanding that someone needs help because they do not know that something has a sophisticated ability, so that scientists think that it is safe for humans. But researchers at Johns Hopkins University (United States) today have shown that it is also in monkeys. Or at least, among the bonobos, the monkey from which we are genetically very close.
Monkeys who give the finger to the
I The action of the National Academy of SciencesResearchers say how they observed three men Bonobos points to a man where they are treated. By drawing their attention to the sound. Then showing them. But only when he knew that the man in the question ignored where to find this behavior.
In the wild, already, researchers observed that ChimpanzeeChimpanzee Like a snake, it seems that they are voicing to warn them of lightly threats. But it was not yet tested that the laboratory was re -presented. And so it confirms how big the Bonobus intellectual abilities are.
Two global views at the same time
Researchers said their results show that monkeys can see two contradictory views in their minds at the same time. Although they completely know where the behavior is, they also know that the vision of the person in front of them is not the same in the same situation. The stimulus of Bonobos remains more deeply and the way they feel the minds of others remains to be found. To determine whether, beyond interference to change the behavior of another individual, monkeys can also work to change the mental state or to change the beliefs of another.